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i wished a wish that made my life complete ...i dreamed a dream that made my heart beat ..i wished for you and only you for you heart that is so true....your patience and understanding touch ...those are the things i dream to feel someday ...but for now all i can do is dream and wish .... longing for your fragile kiss ....ill keep wishing so hard on a star to let you know my love is not far.......

Very Hot Actor, His name is There for you.

My favorite movie with him starring in is Immortality & eXistenZ. Also featured in The Talented Mr. Ripley & Star Captains. So go out and watch them too!!!!

Ten Things I Hate About You (movie poem)

Hate and Love

I hate the way you talk to me

And the way you cut your hair

I hate the way you drive my car

I hate it when you stare

I hate your big, dumb, combat boots

And the way you read my mind

I hate you so much it makes me sick

It even makes me rhyme

I hate the way you're always right

I hate it when you lie

I hate it when you make me laugh

Even worse when you make me cry

I hate it when you're not around

And the fact that you didn't call

But mostly, I hate that I don't hate you

Not close, not even a little bit, not even at all

 Accept Me

I am I... Do not change me, condemn me, nor put me down. Accept me for what I am, NO you need not agree with me, but accept me. For I am total in being, I have my faults, I have my guilts, but that is who I am. PERFECT I WILL NEVER BE!!! Allow me to be uninhibited, DO NOT PRESURE ME  into feeling what I do not feel. Accept me when I am flying high, as I have accepted you when you were flying high. Do not put me down, nor makr me feel unhappy about me. I AM I... AND I LIKE BEING WHAT I AM...


The Body

The soul is seen through the eyes
The Eyes are the speakers of your heart
The Heart gives you emotion
Emotion allows you to show love
And love is what holds the strong bond between you and me.



Give me all these problems
Hell, they ain't even mine,
I'll try my best to make them leave
Like I do every other time
Whine and cry to me
About what he said to make you so upset
While I lay awake in bed at night
Thinking about your fret
What should I do now? You say
Make my problems all go away!
Alcohol and drugs are just temporary high
Yet you do them every weekend and then come to me and cry
The things you do while under the influence leave you high and dry
I'm sick of this emotion
It's getting out of control
I used to be a happy person
Now that's all out in the cold
I dont know what's happened really,
I wish I could figure it out
What this town has done to me to make me so left out
Then again I'm only 16
I'm sure this is only a phase,
I have no problems of my own though
That aren't going to magically go away
But I guess I'll just keep my mouth and continue with advice
After all they need me here for them
To get through their OWN life...

Fire Hot Quotes

Joshua Jackson

Hottie from Dawson's Creek and Urban Legends.... I so wish he was in alot more movies then this. He made more movies as a child actor for films like The Mighty Ducks.

Vin Diesel

Ohh the Muscles... He's featured in XXX, The Fast and the Furious, Pitch Black, & Riddick. He also has a new movie coming out in the next month, but it looked so unappealing to me b/c he played a character of a bodyguard for 4 children, he soon became more like a Babysitter. So not his Character. I want to see the Muscles!!!

~ Life is Full of Surprises! ~